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The Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge hosted a conference on ancient Egyptian coffins, which coincided with the ‘Death on the Nile’ exhibition at the Judge Business School from 7–9 April 2016.

The themes of the conference focused on three areas:

  • Past: the development of coffins in antiquity, including technological, iconographic and text-based studies
  • Present: the post-antiquity history of coffins
  • Future: developments in the technical examination and analysis of coffins

The conference language was in English and was attended by over one hundred delegates from seventeen countries. The quality and quantity of papers proposed for the conference was extremely high. This meant that the organisers were forced to ask a large number of participants to present their work in the form of a poster, rather than as a spoken presentation. Happily, all the colleagues affected generously consented to this proposal. Abstracts of the posters are included in the publication of the conference proceedings, published by Oxbow Books Ltd, which can be purchased here.

The conference was preceded by a three-day practical event (The Coffins Workshop) at which a number of additional posters were presented. You can view these by clicking on the links to the right of this text.

Conference posters

Julie Dawson (third from left) with Egyptian colleagues at the conference venue: Cambridge University's Judge Business School.

Helen Strudwick delivering a paper entitled 'Decoding Ancient Egyptian Coffins: The Judgement of the Dead and their Eternal Destiny'.

Conference delegates.

(From left to right) Professor Ali Omar, Helwan University, Dr Nour Badr, Grand Egyptian Museum and Lucy Skinner, British Museum/Nottingham University.

Helen Strudwick with conference delegates during an evening social event.

Conference delegates dining at St John's College.

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