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Early Eighteenth Dynasty footboard

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Object name: Early Eighteenth Dynasty footboard

Accession no.: E.GA.2910.1943

Other numbers and markings: “THEBES GOURNA” in ink

“2910-1943” in ink

“GA VI 38” in pencil on a paper label

“VI - AIA” in red ink, “R.G. Gayer-Anderson Loan Collection” in print, “S.41” in black ink on a paper label

Dimensions: H 17.3 cm W 38 cm D 1.8 cm

Brief description:

This is part of the footboard from a white anthropoid coffin, made of several pieces of sycomore fig joined using animal glue, acacia and sidr dowels and loose tenons. Poorly fitting joints have been packed out with wedges of wood, a gritty paste/mud or fabric scraps. It is decorated with a figure of Isis, whose name is written above her left arm and (in abbreviated form) on her head.

The surface is partially covered with a coarse yellow preparation layer (made of calcite, gypsum and bassanite) overlaid with a white coat (containing natural chalk). There is a pink underdrawing of Isis, who is painted with yellow earth, red earth, carbon-based black and Egyptian green.

Date: Early Eighteenth Dynasty

About 1500–1400 BC

Further dating information

Find spot: Said to be Gurna (Thebes, West Bank)

Further find spot information

Acquisition: Given by R.G. Gayer-Anderson, 1943

Further acquisition information

Construction, decoration and materials:

Basic info: JD will do

Further information about construction, decoration and materials

Other information

Conservation treatments


Other images

Early Eighteenth Dynasty footboard (front)

Early Eighteenth Dynasty footboard (reverse)

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