Object name: Plastered and gilded head of a sarcophagus
Accession no.: E.27.1973
Other numbers and markings: tbd
Dimensions: L: 43.9 cm W: 38 cm D: 21.5 cm
Brief description:
The sarcophagus head is a fragment of an anthropoid painted limestone coffin lid. It features the face and wig. A break edge runs across its whole width along the neck. The wig is painted blue on a preparation layer and the face still bears traces of gilding on a preparation layer. The black cosmetic lines are still visible. The preparation layer has come off in large areas of the face and the neck. In these areas the stone surface is visible.
Date: Thirtieth Dynasty c. 380-300 BC
Find spot: Unknown
Acquisition: Given (1973) by the Suffolk Building Preservation Trust
Further acquisition information
Construction, decoration and materials:
Basic info: JD will do
Further information about construction, decoration and materials
Other information
Plastered and gilded head of a sarcophagus