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Recorded presentations

4 minutes to read

In order to help those connecting to the conference remotely, who are in parts of the world that are a long way from the UK, we have asked speakers for permission to record their presentations so that they can been shared on-line with registered participants while the conference is happening. Note that not all speakers have agreed to this.

Links to these recordings have been made available here during the course of the conference, and many speakers have also agreed to their being presented here for a month after the conference, after which the links will no longer work. For those that have not given permission for this extended period, the links will automatically be disabled after 25 February.

E. Ferraris, P. Buscaglia, S. Maineri, J. Vilaro Fabregat, C. Ricci and T. Cavaleri

The coffin set of Tamutmutef storytelling: a new exhibition area in the Museo Egizio of Turin

Melanie Flossman-Schuetze and Jan Dahms

“Coffins in 3D”: The coffin collection of the SMAEK and their digitization

Verena Kotonski, John Taylor, Roux Malherbe and Barbara Wills

The Aswan mummy case: cartonnage conservation, curatorship and finding a YouTube audience

Marie Peterkova Hlouchova

Wooden coffins of the centre and provinces in the Old Kingdom

Ahmed Tarek, Wael Sherbiny, Nour Badr, Mohamed Abdelrahman and Moamen Othman

Implementing modern imaging techniques in examining and visualising Middle Kingdom coffins

Lisa Sartini, Jaume Vilaró Fabregat, Margaret Serpico and Gersande Eschenbrenner Diemer

The Medjehu Project and its interdisciplinary study of New Kingdom wooden coffins originating from Deir el-Medina

Alessia Amenta and Jaume Vilaro Fabregat

The Vatican Coffin Project. The coffin set of Ikhy from the Museo Gregoriano Egizio provides new observations on the tomb of Bab el-Gasus

Daniela Galazzo and Shirly Ben Dor Evian

The Application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) on Ancient Egyptian Coffin-lids at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem as a New Analytic Approach to Workshop Identification

Rogerio Sousa

On the making of the Yellow type: Coffin craftsmanship in Thebes during the Ramesside period

Cynthia May Sheikholeslami

Representations of Nut in Twenty-Second/Twenty-Third Dynasty Theban Coffins

Charlotte Hunkeler

Small pieces in the bigger Picture: coffin and cartonnage fragments from Tomb KV40 in the Valley of the Kings

Caroline Thomas and Helene Guichard

They are cartonnage coffins, not mummy cases: a small production between tradition and innovation

Moamen Othman, Mohamed Abdelrahman, Nour M. Badr, Ahmed Tarek Ibrahim, Eid Mertah, Mohamed Ibrahim and Akram Atallah

Multidisciplinary investigation of the complex layered structures of a ‘bivalve’ coffin made of cartonnage for the Prophet of Montu, Besenmut II

Marie Vandenbeusch

Exploring coffin manufacture during the 25th Dynasty using CT scan technology

Tuuli Kasso, Jens Stenger, Caterina Zaggia, Gianluca Pastorelli, Max Ramsøe, Elsa Yvanez, Chiara Spinazzi-Lucchesi, Matthew Collins and Cecilie Brøns

Craft for context: a multidisciplinary analysis of a Romano-Egyptian mummy mask at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen

Nour M. Badr, Moamen Othman, Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, Eid Mertah, Ahmed Tarek and Mohamed Ragab

The power of imaging techniques for documentation of ancient Egyptian coffins applied to the sarcophagus of Ankhefenkhons CG 41001 and Ramses IV coffin CG61041, in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Stefania Mainieri

The “missing piece of the puzzle”. The way to render the human shape and facial features in the yellow coffins of the Third Intermediate Period and their evolution

Agathe Jagerschmidt-Seguin, Delphine Elie-Lefebvre, Sophie Joigneau, Marie Louis, Thierry Palanque, Marta Garcia-Darowska, Laure de Guiran, Agnès Lattuati-Derieux, Louis Chassouant, Yannick Vandenberghe and Noëlle Timbart

Material history and restoration of Setjaimengaou’s coffins kept at the Museum of Picardie (Amiens, France): An integrative approach

Mohamed Moustafa, Medhat Abdallah, Ahmed Abdrabou and Hussein M. Kamal

New insights into the materials and manufacturing techniques used to paint a Late Period wooden coffin

Rebecca Stacey

Reading residues on coffins: reflections on ten years of molecular research at the BM

Rachel Aronin and Isabel Schneider

Paint it black: new scientific analysis of black “goo” on Brooklyn Museum 37.1927Ea-b

Caterina Zaggia, Jan Dekker, Louise Le Meillour, Matthew Collins and Marcos Martinón-Torres

Employing paleoproteomic techniques for the characterisation of glues and binders from Egyptian coffins

Abdelmoniem Mohamed Abdelmoniem

Conservation processes used on a painted wooden coffin at Saqqara

Abdelmoniem Mohamed Abdelmoniem

Preserving history: The formal approach to conservation of a wooden coffin covered with a black resin layer and coloured materials at Dahshur Archaeological Area

Katharina Stoevesand and Abdelrazek Elnaggar

A group of el-Hibe coffins in the Egyptian Museum Cairo. Unique iconographies and unusual wealth in a provincial cemetery

Kylie Thomsen

Reassessing the sarcophagus of Hunefer in context

Isa Boehme

Isa has kindly provided two videos of the full version of her presentation here:

Presented version: The use, placement, and design of body containers in K24, Saqqara, and their social level

Jiri Janak and Renata Landgrafova

Coffinless resurrection. The tombs of the Saite-Persian period at Abusir

Mykola Tarasenko

Fragment of the coffin of Amenhaiu (Odesa Archaeological Museum inv. No. 52611)

Elisabeth Kruck

A coffin for dating – or should we even date?

Caroline Arbuckle

The religious significance of coffin timbers

Marta Dominguez-Delmas, María Oliva Rodriguez Ariza, Gersande Eschenbrenner-Diemer and Alejandro Jimenez-Serrano

Dendrochronology and palaeography shed light on coffin production and burial practices of Twelfth Dynasty Egypt

Nesrin El Hadidi, Lenda Sharaf, Amira El Baroudy and WesamEldin I. A. Saber

How to monitor, identify and assess biodeterioration in ancient Egyptian wooden coffins

Alex Loktionov

Coffins in court: The place and value of coffins in Ramesside legal documents

Kathlyn M. Cooney

Surviving king’s coffins from the royal Theban cache TT 320: Seqenenre Tao, Thutmose I, Thutmose III, and Ramses II

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